What Size Windshield Crack Can Be Repair?

If your windshield has a crack, it is imperative that it is addressed as quickly as possible to preserve both safety and visibility while driving. Otherwise, the crack could worsen and interfere with your view during travel.


Clean the chipped glass surface thoroughly to eliminate loose shards, then use a bullseye tapper or drill to drill a small hole at one end of each crack to funnel resin through.


Though windshield chips and cracks cannot be entirely avoided, their size can help determine whether they can be repaired. Cracks less than three inches long usually can be fixed; longer cracks may require replacement instead.

Windshields can become damaged from debris flying at high speeds. When these rocks strike the glass surface they often leave damage resembling a bull's eye that's easy to repair using a windshield repair kit.

These kits include step-by-step instructions that will guide you through the process of cleaning and prepping a windshield for repair. After cleaning is completed, seal any cracks with resin that reduces stress while keeping water from seeping through using a syringe to inject resin directly into it, while holding down its plunger to keep pressure constant – this method provides a low-fidelity solution which may delay further crack spread until professional services can fix the crack properly.


Some drivers ignore small windshield cracks until they become large swaths that obstruct their vision, at which point repairs must be undertaken as soon as possible – though sometimes that may prove challenging.

Windshield repairs are easier if the crack is short and does not penetrate to the second layer of glass, as doing so would increase both complexity and cost significantly. If this is the case, however, more complex procedures may need to be undertaken and more costly repairs required.

Another factor affecting whether or not a crack can be repaired includes its severity. Bullseye chips – consisting of smaller circles surrounded by larger ones – and half moon (partial bullseye) breaks are usually reparable, as are surface pit breaks. But for cracks longer than 6 inches with star-like features or those featuring rapid temperature changes and condensation, replacement may be required. Do what you can to stop your short crack from worsening over time by avoiding sprinklers, washing the vehicle frequently or parking it under direct sunlight!


Drivers have often been taken aback when debris from a passing truck flies out and smashes their windshield, leaving a crack or dent behind that makes driving unsafe and insecure. Although drivers feel relieved their windshield has done its job, their worries over its effect on their car remain real.

Windshield repairs typically use resin to fill in outer layer cracks and prevent further damage, while longer cracks pose a greater risk by exposing inner lamination, potentially jeopardizing structural integrity of windshield and making driving unsafe.

Cracks that don't exceed six inches may be repaired professionally by an expert. Such cracks must not extend longer than the short side of a dollar bill and don't block driver vision; star breaks, bulls eyes, half moon (partial bulls eye) and crack chips fall under this category.


Cracked windshields may be beyond repair depending on their location and depth, with widespread cracks compromising structural integrity and weakening adhesive force, necessitating replacement. Even small surface pits can spread rapidly if left unattended; heat, cold, humidity and other environmental elements exacerbate existing damage over time causing expansion and worsening over time.

Cracks that fall within the line of sight of drivers or sensor cameras may also present issues, necessitating immediate repairs in order to stop further damage from spreading.

However, for cracks out of sight it is typically safe to wait a few hours for the resin to set before proceeding with repairs. To protect the windshield it's also a good idea to avoid rain and sprinklers as these could further deteriorate it; additionally it would be wise to refrain from washing your vehicle as soapy water can seep into any existing cracks and make repairs more complex.